Community tanks


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
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Does any body know what fish will make a great community tank in my 3ft long and 1ft wide fish tank. it already has 4 tiger barbs in it and a bristlenose and a samlon tailed catfish any ideas i would like to hear.
good additions to a community tank that big would be fish such as sailfin mollies becuase they are peaceful and beautiful. another addition may be such things as a few coloured glass fish and sharks, the sharks can be quite peaceful if kept from other sharks and will clean the tank. One other community fish could be halequins and pencilfish
More tiger barbs before you add other fish, they need to be kept in groups of at least 6 to minimise aggression on other fish. They should not be kept with long finned fish like male bettas or angels.

foxslilvixen - Ummmmm did you mean dyed/injected fish by "coloured glass fish"?? Do you know about dyeing?

I wouldn't ever buy those but you could have something like rainbow fish in there, maybe some kind of gourami would be good (not kissing, they get too big), some tetra perhaps. Kribs would also be nice, which may breed if you wanted.

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