community tank?


Fish Addict
Jul 14, 2004
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right behind you
has anyone ever tried keeping FW dwarf puffers with other fish?

I've heard that ottos can be ok. I've kept plecos with my puffers and that wasn't a problem. I'm thinking maybe they wont pick on bigger fish like clown loaches and angels. Though maybe the angles would go after the puffers. But so far my angels don't bother neons or guppies who i would move into a different tank if i were to put the puffers in there. any ideas?

I'd be worried about the other fish, not the puffers ;) A dwarf puffer would love to have an angel in the tank, it'd be like a swimming cafeteria of delicious fins :lol:

Puffers are best left to a species tank, and even otos may lose an eye, or worse :)
The general rule is puffers dont mix with anything. Some people have had a bit of luck keeping South American puffers (Collomesus asellus) in communities of short finned fast moving fish but even these can be tempremental and one day just turn around and kill everything in the tank.

Figure 8 puffers (Tetraodon biocellatus) can sometimes be kept in brackish communities with large fish.
gaya said:
has anyone ever tried keeping FW dwarf puffers with other fish?
Yes. and here's the result.


One of an entire school of Rummynose tetra that were massacred overnight.

I'm sorry to keep trotting this picture out, but it serves as a poignant illustration of why puffers are not community fish

well i'm not that mean! I wouldn't even try to keep them with anything like a tetra or little fish. When i had them with some plecos (rubbernose plecs) they were curious and checked the plec out but the plec would just either ignore them or bat them away. I am afraid they would mess with my angels fins. oh well. looks like these guys will be finding a new home. I will be sad to see them go. they are such lovely, fun fish.

oh and sir minion how did puffers end up living with rummynose tetras? :crazy:
Dwarves are notorious fin nippers. Angels are all fins. Bad combo.

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