Community Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I have a 20g tank and after it was cycled, I would like to have 2 Honey Gouramis, 2 Fancy Guppies and 7 Lemon Tetras. Could I add a Female Betta in there, would they not get along or would it be overstocked? Thanks in advance!
im known of over stocking my tank i have a 20 gal with as follows..

4 dwarf gouramis 2"
2 guppys 2"
3 albino cories 1"
2 neon tetras 1/2"
1 pleco 3"
2 baloon mollies 1" 1/2
and a middle size female guppy.

i dont think ive overstocked because my fish are all small my pleco just sucks on the bottom anyway not getting in any of the other fish's ways.

and ive had my tank up and running for 4 weeks.
The Betta MIGHT be okay in there. It's worth a shot. Let me give you examples of why I say might:

I present you with two female Bettas to take into consideration: Snow White & Pixie.

Snow White (Snow) lives fine with other female Bettas. She doesn't hassle them, they don't hassle her. She lives with four other female Bettas and two Croaking Gouramis. But she HATES Guppies. She was in a Guppy tank less than two seconds before reaching over and performing a tail-ectomy on my pretty male Guppy.

Pixie, however, hates female Bettas. She can't live with them, even in large numbers, because she ALWAYS attempts to kill them. She hates the Gouramis just as much. She thought the male Guppies attempts to mate with her were annoying, and, after putting up with him the first couple times, she flared really big and scared the crap out of him. Now, every time she comes by, he swims away as fast as he can. Everybody is happy. She likes the female Guppies. She likes the Mollies.

So, you see, they really can go either way. The only way to know what a Betta is going to do is to give it a try.

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