Community tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
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Does any body know what fish will make a great community tank in my 3ft long and 1ft wide fish tank. it already has 4 tiger barbs in it and a bristlenose and a samlon tailed catfish any ideas i would like to hear.
Whoa dude, that salmon cat will get bigger than your tank! lol i got one and its already over 14"
but as for tank mates, why not try silver sharks, guppys, platys all those little fish.
yer i no, i looking at getting sum rummy nose tetras and some more tiger barbs and i dont like the silver sharks so i mite look at getting some mollies aswell and some clown loaches and the gouramis.
clown loaches and the gouramis would look pretty cool, what about all differnt types of loaches?
And where in australia are you?
yer what other loaches though i dont like the kulli loach but i like the clown and the gourimais they r good and have nice colours and they shouldnt attck my barbs.
I live in Perth Western Australia and u.
Im in melbourne, i think Bea/\/ is from perth as well, he might be able to help you in getting what you need, he might know some shops.
oh ok cool, how many tanks do u have 1 2 or 3 and what sizes and what fish r in what.
Just a quick note, the Silver sharks would seriously outgrow that tank as well. They grow pretty big!!!
yer i have read that and seen sum over 2 ft in large aqauriums in th local fish shop
Wow, that's BIG. I've not seen them that size before, but they are impressive when they're big!!
yer it was quite huge and a suprise to see 1 so big compared to the little ones that r like 6 cm.
what tanks do u have and what fish do u have aswell.
I have a 55g with clown loaches, tiger barbs, a royal plec and gibbiceps plec, and a pair of sajica cichlids, and I have a 40g currently setting itself up!!!!! I'm going to have mainly cichlids in that one.
you can see some of them here
is ur tank a 4ft or 5 ft its nice and ur fish are good aswell. what kind of a catfish is that.
i have a 3ft which u no about and a 4ft with electric yellows and blues in it.

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