Does any body know what fish will make a great community tank in my 3ft long and 1ft wide fish tank. it already has 4 tiger barbs in it and a bristlenose and a samlon tailed catfish any ideas i would like to hear.
Whoa dude, that salmon cat will get bigger than your tank! lol i got one and its already over 14"
but as for tank mates, why not try silver sharks, guppys, platys all those little fish.
yer i no, i looking at getting sum rummy nose tetras and some more tiger barbs and i dont like the silver sharks so i mite look at getting some mollies aswell and some clown loaches and the gouramis.
yer what other loaches though i dont like the kulli loach but i like the clown and the gourimais they r good and have nice colours and they shouldnt attck my barbs.
I live in Perth Western Australia and u.
I have a 55g with clown loaches, tiger barbs, a royal plec and gibbiceps plec, and a pair of sajica cichlids, and I have a 40g currently setting itself up!!!!! I'm going to have mainly cichlids in that one.
you can see some of them here