Community Tank


New Member
Jan 14, 2009
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Hi all!

I'm in the middle of setting up a slightly bigger community tank and was just wondering if I could bounce some ideas off some people who knew what they were talking about rather than the dozy 15 year olds at my LFS!

It's a 45 gallon (UK-I'm not sure of what that would be in US, 50, 55?) corner unit with: light substrate, about 10 plants, decent filtration and lighting, temp of 26 C, p.h. 8, fully-cycled. It's been running for about 3 months and now has 3 mollies, 6 Boesmani Rainbows and 2 Ottos. I'm going for colour and strata variation so was thinking of adding 2 or 3 blue Gouramis and (here's the bit I need the advice on really) I'm looking into Cherry Shrimps, say 10 of them. Does this sound like a viable set-up? Would it be over-stocked? Any advice greatly appreciated. :good:
i just wonder about the gouramis and shrimps...if big enough they might try to eat them

So perhaps Dwarf Gourami? Research has told me that having a pair of Gourami is pretty standard practice, but what mix of m/f would they be? I imagine two females would be best, what about one of each?

This doesn't seem overcrowded to you (I don't know how much waste the shrimp produce compared to fish, I presume it isn't the one-inch-per-gallon rule)?
other than the gourami (depending on size and species) trying to munch on the shrimp, i don't see a problem

and as for pairs, i do believe a trio is better 1m.2f, although females are harder to find, i shouldn't see a problem with 2 males in a tank that size
Ignore shrimp when counting the bio load as its quiet a new tank stick to 1" of fully grown fish per gallon but in 6months ifyou have good filtration and maintanence patterns along with large open spaces and hiding spots feel free to up this to 1.5" per gallon

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