Community Tank - Centre-Piece Fish Suggestions?


Fish Crazy
Sep 27, 2012
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My 100 litre tropical community tank is now well established, current stocking is in my signature.  I'd like to add one "centre-piece" fish, slightly larger than the rest, to finish it off and add some interest (maybe a pair, depending on adult size).  I keep up good maintenance, excellent water quality, stats are constant pH 7.6, temp 25C, ammonia zero, nitrite zero, nitrate maintained at 10-20 ppm.  Sand substrate, couple of bogwood pieces (plan on adding some more and rescaping), silk broad leaf plants.  What compatible and peaceful fish could I consider?
I would say your tank is about maximum stocking. I reckon you could put 1 swordtail or a type of small- medium sized gourami.
I know it's close to stocked, but also know that the rule of thumb 1 inch adult per gallon is just that; a rule of thumb.  Understanding and maintaining good water quality has to be the most important.  So on both the rule of thumb and water quality maintenance, I reckon I could safely add just another 2-3 inches of fish.  I was also thinking of a gourami and have done some reading up on them.  Any other ideas from anyone?
Much appreciated!
I wasn't going by the inch-per-gallon rule. I was going by the feeling I had in my gut. LOL. A type of mini cichlid could work also. Tank stocking must take into account a fishes bioload, activity levels, adult size and aggression.

You could also just get a betta.
Agreed, many factors to consider.  Maybe a small non-aggressive cichlid like Apistograma?  I don't fancy a beta, and I think the skirt tetras would get nippy with a betta.
An spistogramma could work. But you'll have to keep the water conditions perfect at all times.
What you want is something noticeable that uses the whole tank, won't grow too big and will be peaceful no matter what else you put in the tank. A dwarf or honey gourami would really fit the bill.
sounds good to me; honey gourami seems to fit the bill after doing some research.....thanks!
Going fish hunting tomorrow; currently a single dwarf gourami is at the top of the list.  Would a ram be suitable (or would it need particularly soft water and higher temps)?  Or an American Flag (or do they need cooler water)?
I believe that American Flag Fish would be too aggressive for your tank and yes, they do need cooler water.

Rams would be ok, but they are quite fussy and like softer, warmer water. They are primarily bottom dwellers though, so may not be as visible as other fish like gourami who will use the whole space of the tank.
Ill join and vote for a dwarf gourami. I have had at least 1 gourami in every tank I have ever had. I currently am enjoying dwarf gouramis. They are very enjoyabe, add a lot of color and movement to a tank.
Thanks for the suggestions.  I ha had a good look around today, and did some more research.  Decided against the rams and flags for the same reasons.  A dwarf gourami is what I decided on, but didn't see anything I liked today (apart from one which looked very lethargic in an unhealthy looking tank).  Not in any rush, so will keep looking around several LFS until I find the one.  Will post a pic whenever that may be!  Also in the meantime I think I need to add something extending into the top of my tank; plenty of interest around the lower/middle layer but needs some taller or floating plants I think.  Cheers.
TallTree01 said:
I wasn't going by the inch-per-gallon rule. I was going by the feeling I had in my gut. LOL. A type of mini cichlid could work also. Tank stocking must take into account a fishes bioload, activity levels, adult size and aggression.

You could also just get a betta.
No. The betta would be a dangerous addition to this tank... Skirts are a bit nippy and the betta's long flowing fins would be far too tempting, I'm afraid.
I'd say a bolivian ram would be a nice fit.  Maybe even an apistogramma.

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