community questions


Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2004
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it's a 20 gallon tank thats almost cycled. I have 3 fancy guppies, one tiger barb, and one irredescent shark (about 3 inches long).

what other fish can i put in there that won't cause a problem? (colorful fish)
(other than tetras and platies)

and can anyone give advice on giant spotted puffers? i remember someone saying that you need to do something special with puffers (other than keep them by themselves)
Hi...barbs are reported to do better in groups.i.e. they might be more aggressive alone. You might want to consider adding another barb F
What about some Gouramis, they would be fine in your tank. The barb may nip its fins though.....hmmm.

Some puffers need salt in the water to do well.
You could use some bottom feeders. Plecs and/or cories come to mind but there are other options.
irredescent shark: Gets way too big for a 20g tank. Actually, it gets substantially longer than a 20g tank. We're talking up to 3 or 4 feet in length.

guppies and tiger barbs: Others may have experienced otherwise, but generally guppies are considered too tempting a nipping target for tigers. They aren't a very good match.

I'd encourage to you reconsider your current stock before adding fish. Return the shark and either the tiger or the guppies to the store and build your tank from what's left.

Not likely what you'd like to hear, but that's my $0.02...

Good luck! :thumbs:
I agree with modernhamlet. Tiger barbs are about the worst fin-nippers u can get and as you have only one of them it will be worse. They need to be kept in a group of at least 6 or more tiger barbs so that aggression is spread round the group rather than at other fish, even then sometimes they will pick on a weaker barb until they kill it. Guppies with their long fins will be shredded in no time if they havent been already. Either add more barbs, remove the guppies or give the one tiger barb away.
i moved the barb to my 2 gallon tank since i woke up this morning and one of the guppies tails was shredded

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