Community Puffer


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi I want to get a puffer for my 4 foot community tank after reading an article in PFK about keeping a FW puffer in a community tank.This article suggested that puffers can be used in a community setup. The puffers it reccomened where either a south american puffer or a small group of dwarf puffers. So when I went out to my local fish shop to buy dwarf puffers I was told that they would eat my rummynose tetras and destroy the tank inhabitants one by one!! Is this true? I dont know what to believe fish magazine or fish shop so I thought you guys would know more.

Thanks for Reading

Peter :D
you might be able to get away with a south american puffer in your tank as they are pretty docile, as puffers go. research them though, of all the puffers, they have the fastest growing beaks and sometimes may require trimming. dwarf puffers, despite their small size, ARE NOT good community fish. they can be the most nippy of all the small fw puffers. and a group of them, i'd say would be asking for trouble. some would argue that the tetras are fast swimmers and could get away from the puffers but i'd argue that 1) thats putting a great deal of stress on your other fish, and 2) puffers tend to go after stuff thats moving about and leave slower movers alone for the most part. that said, i had a plec in my dwarf tank just temporarily, for about 3 days, poor thing hardly moves about, yet her fins had definite nips.

if you are able, and really want some puffers in your life, consider setting up a species only tank for them.
Mbus can be OK, but you'd need an 8 foot tank. They are generally quite docile, or so I've heard...anyhoo, its a good excuse for a new tank....!!!! :sly: :shifty: :D
1bennet1 said:
I went out to my local fish shop to buy dwarf puffers I was told that they would eat my rummynose
We had rummynose in with our dwarfs and they were indeed picked off one by one as they slept, the survivors were relocated to the community tank where they regrew their tails and now live happily without the fear of predatory attacks by little green devils.

We also had neons with the dwarfs, they were not eaten, but still got 'trimmed'. so we moved them as well, same with some cories.

So I have to say, that in my experience, I do not think dwarf puffers are suitable in a community tank.

South Americans may be a different story, but I've never tried.
Alright well I might try a SA puffer. Is an 8 gallon large enough to house a puffer by himself? I have a spare 8 gallon at the moment so if he is causing problems in the tank i can move him there..Do you guys think this will be ok??
SAs only get around 3 inches, so yes, and 8 gal would be a good size should you have to move him to his own tank
I've got two collomesus puffers living in my community tank... they're only little though. I'm going to keep an eye on them as they grow up...

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