The following are available free to a good home due to having to close down aquarium.
Please note will only give away together.
Any questions let me know.
Thanks, Chris
- Livestock: 3 Pearl Gourami (1male, 2female – 4years), 5 denisonii barb (2.5 years), 6 penguin tetra (2.5 years), 2 swordtail (2 years), 1 neon tetra, 1 bristlenose plec (4 years – male)
- Age and condition: Please see above
- Quantity for sale: 18 in total (as above)
- Reason for Sale: Closing down aquarium
- Delivery or Collection: Collection only
- Sales price: Free
- Location: Fleet, Hampshire
Please note will only give away together.
Any questions let me know.
Thanks, Chris