Community Fish


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Washington D.C.
Hi all!
I have a 30 gallon tank with
2 kissing gouramis
1 golden gourami
1 neon blue dwarf gourami

I also have guppies in the tank ,but I am going to be moving them to a different tank. So my question is, I want to make the 30 gallon a community tank.
So what can I put in there, that will be compatible with each other and the gouramis? And be a good balance of fish, like top swimmers, middle swimmers.....

I have live plants and driftwood in the tank right now. I am goin to be making a few caves too.

Any ideas?
I know kissing gouramis get big. one of the ones I have is already around 5", but I know they can grow to 12"
I am thinking of getting clown loaches. I had them before, and they were so cute.
Would some tetras or danios go well in the tank?
I don't know if your tank would be too small for clown loaches as they get quite big and should be in groups. I know of people keeping 2 in a smaller tank though and they have been ok. They grow slowly after 4".

12" is a massive fish!! I can't imagine mine that size, mine is only about 3 1/2" now. A massive kissing monster!! lol

What kind of tetras were you thinking of? I am not sure about danios as I have never kept them, but as you kissing gourami are small now I don't see why not but I don't know what the gouramis get like as they get bigger.
Well, my 9 1/2" kissing gourami,is the sweetest fish. They are supposed to be semi-agressive, but mine have never grown up to be like that, thank goodness.
I have had clown loaches in a smaller tank, and they never got bigger then 3"
The tetras I am thinking about are either Rummy-nosed or Glowlight.
I have personally never had danios, but my best friend, who is also into fish, has them and loves them. So I am htinking about giving them a try.

Thanks for your help! :D :D
Annastasia said:
Well, my 9 1/2" kissing gourami,is the sweetest fish. They are supposed to be semi-agressive, but mine have never grown up to be like that, thank goodness.
I have had clown loaches in a smaller tank, and they never got bigger then 3"
The tetras I am thinking about are either Rummy-nosed or Glowlight.
I have personally never had danios, but my best friend, who is also into fish, has them and loves them. So I am goin got give them a try.

Thanks for your help!
Clown loaches get much beiiger that 3", more like 10". I think yours experienced what is known as 'stunting'. This is where a fish does not have enough room to grow so it's outer body does not. However, it's inner does and it will have a body that is not large enough to contain it's organs and come to a very nasty death after a time of suseptability to disease.

I would advise against this as much as I would dying and injecting fish. It's really not a good thing.

As for your gouramis, have they been in contact with anything as small as tetra to be agressive with since they grew?
Yeah, they have been living with guppy juveniles and fry. They have never botherd them, much less eaten them.
Okay, I won't get clown loaches. I don't want them to be unhappy.
Anyway, corys are really cute!
What are some good kinds of corys? I already have Julii and network corys, but I want to try something different. Any ideas?
And how would the tetras and danios go?

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