Community Fish??


New Member
Oct 27, 2003
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Hi i was wondering if someone could help me? :blink: I am a bit confused, i want to have Angel Fish and Discus and i've been told they are Community Fish but i would also like a variety of different fish in the same tank. Please can someone give me a short list of which sort of fish are in this group? I would really appreciate it? :D Thankyou Rachel xx
community fish means that they can get along with other fish with the same temperament. although discus, imo are best kept in a tank by themselves. they are very picky about their environment and can become diseased very easily.
i don't know much about discus and angels, but i do know that with angels, neon tetras are a Big no no!! i think the angels eat the neons...
what size tank were you thinking of? angels need a big deep tank, they get big. discus are not for the beginner, they are very delicate. community fish include livebearers (mollies, guppies, platies, swordtails), tetras, some barbs (like cherries), loaches (though clown loaches need a big tank), cory cats, danios, african dwarf frogs (not fish, but do fine with community fish), rasboras. oh, theres many more. tell us the size tank first, that will help us to help you choose fish that will fit and go together. :)
The tank size is about 80cm by 50cm. Is it much harder to have seawater fish cause i think if you have them dont you get much more variety and can you have starfish and seahorses with clown fish etc...? :D xx thanku
I assume those measurements are length and width. What about the height? Height is more important for angels and they need a minimum of 50 cm. If your tank is 50 cm tall too, then a couple of angels will be fine in it.

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