Community compatible?


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
I have betta's in 2 different community tanks.

I have posted in the past regarding what fish I have and have got the response
'' betta hmmm''.

I have also seen posts on this forum saying you shouldn't put betta's in community tanks and that betta's don't like large tanks.

I personally find that my betta's are the perfect community fish and live in harmony with my other fish. They don't bother other fish, the only thing they have an interset in is me. They are allways checking me out whenever I'm near the tank, that's why I love them :D

Does anyone else keep their betta's in a community?
I have a 9G half-hex tank with a pink/blue/white betta in it and there are also 4 neon tetra & 3 peppred cory...

They get along absolutly fine! I'm pretty sure Bettas would be fine in community tanks as long as any brightly coloured or long finned fish are big enough to defend themselves if your betta is vicious!

all my fish get along fine. I have two goldfish, some guppies, a platy, and a betta in one tank and they are all fine about each other.
I wouldn't worry so long as they are all happy and healthy.
the betta in my community tank gets along fine with all the fish in my sig
i dont think there is a sure answer. every fish has a different personality. i have heard for the most part that goldfish and bettas shouldnt be mixed-i hear the goldfish like to shred the bettas fins and they have different tempertaure requirements anyways. i have heard of tetras nipping at bettas and tetras living perfectly peacefully with them. another person said they were unsucessful in keeping mollies with a betta. i also know many people that keep mllies and bettas. i really dont know if i would put discus with bettas. i have never hear dof anyone doing so though.
Mixing a goldfish with any tropical fish it bloody stupid if you ask me, they produce far too much waste and tropical fish cant cope with it. Also you are going to have to make a compromise somewhere as goldfish are coldwater and Bettas like fairly warm water (23 - 28).

Sazzap I would seriously consider the health of your fish if you plan to keep the goldfish in there..

I have a male betta in a tank with 4 male guppies(along with other fish) which you arent supposed to do in case the betta mistakes the guppies long tail for another betta, and they all get along fine with each other.

I also have a 20cm bubble wall in the tank and bettas are supposed to like still or slow moving water, my betta spends hours going round and round therough the bubbles...just depends on the betta I think, they all have completely different personalities :)
bunjiweb said:
Mixing a goldfish with any tropical fish it bloody stupid if you ask me, they produce far too much waste and tropical fish cant cope with it. Also you are going to have to make a compromise somewhere as goldfish are coldwater and Bettas like fairly warm water (23 - 28).

Sazzap I would seriously consider the health of your fish if you plan to keep the goldfish in there..

-_- just as well i wasn't asking you then.
The goldfish are small still and when they grow bigger the will go back into our pond where they initially came from when they were about 3 cm's long. So no need to get on your high horse.
If i thought it was compromising the other fish they would be back in the pond, but they are not and are all perfectly happy at the moment. :)
sazzap said:
bunjiweb said:
Mixing a goldfish with any tropical fish it bloody stupid if you ask me, they produce far too much waste and tropical fish cant cope with it. Also you are going to have to make a compromise somewhere as goldfish are coldwater and Bettas like fairly warm water (23 - 28).

Sazzap I would seriously consider the health of your fish if you plan to keep the goldfish in there..

-_- just as well i wasn't asking you then.
The goldfish are small still and when they grow bigger the will go back into our pond where they initially came from when they were about 3 cm's long. So no need to get on your high horse.
If i thought it was compromising the other fish they would be back in the pond, but they are not and are all perfectly happy at the moment. :)
well i dont know of any way to exactly measure a fish s happiness. even if the goldfish are small, they still have different temp requirements and do produce A LOT of waste. i made the mistake a long time ago of keeping goldfish with guppies. not a good idea. if you care about your fish, you should move them.
No hijacking Crookster's thread you guys :)

As for bettas in communities, I did it before. It just didn't turn out well because I felt it was adding extra milage on my poor betta. It was new and exciting to him for the first six months ad he became depressed and agitated. He killed his fair share of small fish too. He was moved into his own tank and he lives quite happily there. :)

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