community chiclids?


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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ive herd that cocatoos are, but im not sure, ive also herd that they are 2-3cm long. would they beable to live in a 10gall tank w/live bearers
Apsitogramma (cockatoo is one), Pelvicachromis (kribs), and Rams are all dwarf cichlids that can be kept in community aquairums. Because of their aggression when breeding the minimum tank size recommended increases if keeping a spawning pair, as opposed to just one.
oh thats great. i think chiclids have alot of great detail to them.
how big does a peacock cichlid get? can they be held in a community tank with rainbow cichlids and cockatoo cichlids??

not to mention other community fish....??
thanks for the advice i thik i'll stick to new world cichlids that are low on agression.... thing i know wont hurt other community fish.... thanks again.... do you have any suggestions on what are nice dwarf new world cichlids that will go well ina community tank?
It often comes down to what you can get your hands on, these dwarf species aren't always easy to get a hold of, depending where you live. It's also a choice of preference. I like Pelvicachromis (krib) varieties best, but many others prefer Rams or Apistogramma. It's best to do some reading up on all of them before making a choice. Rams are, as a generalisation, most delicate, while Kribs are the least.

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