Community Algae Problem


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
Voluntown, Connecticut (U.S.)
Ok, so in my community 40gal there has recently been quite the algae breakout. I know its due to highish nitrates and overlighting. I have a small 2in common pleco in my 15gallon, and theres really not much algae in there at all. Im not nessecarily trying to use little plecy to solve my problems but rather i feel like he might really enjoy having all that algae to feed on. Should he stay where he is or make the move? My stocking lists are in my sig if you need them for anything. Thanks for the ideas!
Move him. He's going to grow far, far to big, even for your larger tank, but that would be better than having him stuck in a 15g. You do know he'll grow to well over a foot long, right? You need to think about what you're going to do with him long term, really.
Yes, i understand. I will look into it. I know ill be getting a huge tank in the next year or so (180gallons or so), and i didnt really take him because i knew i had the space, i knew him because i have a better place for him than the previous owner and his 5gallon.
You already know the solution you mention the cause in your second sentence.

''I know its due to highish nitrates and overlighting''

Light the tank less and up the water changes.

Agree that he should be in the larger tank already though where it should help control the existing algae. Assume the filtration on the 40 will be more up to dealing with a pleco than the 15 as well.

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