Common Tank Size For A Bn/albino Bn?


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
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Hey what is the common tank size for 1 albino bn or 1 common bn??? I have a 2feet 15 gallon that will eventually house a pair of kribensis...Will one be alright in there with them??? Thankyou.
P.S. right now, only a 1/1/4 inch female krib is in there...
That's really pushing it for a bristlenose, as they are plecs which produce a large amount of waste for their size. 20 gallons is usually the minimum, you could try it if pressed, but you will have to do larger water changes & keep a close eye on nitate levels.

That tank will need to be overfiltered, around double what a normally stocked tank would. Consider adding a powerhead to the bottom, this will help the filters pick up any waste the plec produces.
Tolak has hit the nail on the head, with good tank care it should be fine... we used a 15gal to breed a trio of bristle noses - weekly filter cleans were a must but the tank size was fine.
I had to do water changes every other day with just a 1.5" royal in my 15g tank, I cant imagine how much work 3 adult bristlenoses would need in a tank that small!

I'd say the tank was too small for a potentially 6" poo machine long term - but I guess it depended on how much work you were willing to do, and what other fish you were planning on, or whether you planned on a tank upgrade as the fish grew?

I'd probably go for some otos instead, although I'm unsure whether kribs would be ok with those as I've never owned kribs.

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