common puffer diseases?


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
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Canton. South Dakota
I was just wonder what some of the diseases that puffers get? I just got a green spotted puffer a week ago and hes not looking too perky anymore.
Good question. plus it really helps to know the salinity the water they were in at the LFS.... some keep them pretty salty to help enhance their colours.... thus make them sell.

I have two GSPs that are approx 1.5" and keep them in SG 0.008 they are pretty happy in that..... however did loose some when the water was fresh as I'd been sold them as DPs.
If the salinity is fine, you might want to buy something that kills internal parasites since all GSP's are wild caught and tend to have parasites.

The Ph is also important, they tend to like it a little higher and will act funny if you have a low Ph.
Well, at my LFS they have a liquid that you mix their food in before feeding them. You use the medication for 1 week, I forgot what its called..... You can also get a flake food that is already made to destroy internal parasites.

I believe a lot of people that own Puffers have also used Discomed with success.

Ask your LFS guy and he'll most likely have what you need.
Here's some info on puffers, diseases, and medications that are safe for these sensitive scaleless cuties!!

Go to wwwdwarfpufferscom/care3.htm (You'll have to insert the missing dots, it's the only way I could keep it from coming up as ###)

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