Common Pleco.


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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What is the common pleco objectives ?
What does he clean in the tank?
How to know if he is healthful and happy?
Does he grow in a fast way like oscar fish, on what rate?

his objectives ???

wife and kids, nice car, good career?? :lol:

not sure quite what you mean by this.

common plecs can get up to 2 foot long, they can grow quickly infact at a similar rate to oscars, don't be surprised to see them getting 8-10" at a year old.

they will eat algae but not enough to keep a tank big enough to house them properly clean, the amount of waste they create is gonna cause more of a problem that the amount of algae they would eat.

if you want an algae eater then amano shrimp, otto's or a bristlenose plec would be your best options.

if you just want rid of algae then a sponge scourer and some elbow grease is the way forward!
A Common Pleco will poo a lot if he is healthy and well fed. They also have a place just above their eyes which should be level or slightly raised. If it is sunken the Pleco is undernourished. They usually grow at about 1" per month. Mine did. As Miss Wiggle said the amount of poo is quite impressive! You need to have good filtration and to clean up a lot. :)

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