Common Pleco Making Bubble Nest?!?!


Sep 3, 2005
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My common pleco has been blowing bubble nest and there is one that was about 1" away from the edge of the water. Is this normal? :huh:
my common has never done this nor any of my other fish i thought it was only bettas that made them
Do they do marriage counselling for plecos? :unsure:

He is supposed to go into a hole in a muddy bank when he gets into the mood. Bubble nesting is for anabantids, like bettas and gouramis, not for him.
no its not normal....
and quite how it would make bubbles and stick them together is beyond me...
It definatly wont be a nest.
What he does is goes to the top and stick his nose out of the water and when his nose comes back into the water alot of bubbles appear to come from his nose and they stick together. Well if it can't be called a bubble nest then what about a cluster of bubbles that stick together or a bunch of bubbles that are sticking together. So I guess its just a wierd thing he does then?
What he does is goes to the top and stick his nose out of the water and when his nose comes back into the water alot of bubbles appear to come from his nose and they stick together. Well if it can't be called a bubble nest then what about a cluster of bubbles that stick together or a bunch of bubbles that are sticking together. So I guess its just a wierd thing he does then?
i know this post was a while ago but couldnt resist saying what this behavior is as it may help some of you with the same problems :p okay like bettas they have a labrynth organ so they can breathe air well so do plecos and they do this when oxygen is low so it may be an indicication of poor water quality to over stocking hope this helps :good:
My Rubber nose goes up the glass and out of the water sometimes, i do get worried but it droppes back into the tank as normal, but there is some bubbles! However i just put that down to normal behaviour.
Errr, Willtang, I don't think the catfish that breathe air do so because they actually have a labyrinth organ. Corys do so frequently, but they take the oxygen into their gut where it helps with digestion. You will see them do so particularly after a big meal of bloodworm. So they are taking in air but not breathing in the sense that bettas breathe. Not sure how it works with plecs, but have never heard of them having a labyrinth organ.
My Rubber nose goes up the glass and out of the water sometimes, i do get worried but it droppes back into the tank as normal, but there is some bubbles! However i just put that down to normal behaviour.


Sorry to go off topic! But what is that pleco in your avatar Andy? Never seen one like that?
It's a clown plec if I think. Oh, and I was a nooby when I had it in a 2.5Gallon, and it was also a very tiny baby so it wasn't too bad, wouldn't have stunted it's growth by now, but anyway, i've learnt from my mistakes, shame the fish had to also.


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