Common Plec And Dwarf Puffers

Ricky Savage

Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
St Catharines Ontario
i recently bought a 20 gal tank that came with 3 DP's, would it be possible to put my growing Common Pleco(2.5in) in with them for the time being or will they attack it>? the plec is ina 10 gal right now but is producing too much waste in there, it'll go in my 45 gal when its bigger.
i recently bought a 20 gal tank that came with 3 DP's, would it be possible to put my growing Common Pleco(2.5in) in with them for the time being or will they attack it>? the plec is ina 10 gal right now but is producing too much waste in there, it'll go in my 45 gal when its bigger.

I kept a large bristlenose with a trio of DP's in a 22g, and the bristlenose was attacked regularly. That, paired with the enormous amount of mess he made, meant he had to go.
Rather than one plec, why not go for a whole school of Otocinclus? They look very nice in big groups, following each other around as a pack, especially in a tank with lots of swimming space. Plus, Otocinclus seem to work well with dwarf puffers.


Id seccond what neale says :good:
Get a nice group of 5 or 6 or something, and it would look great :good:

i cheaped out and just put my pleco in there, the puffers arent aggressive at all, they dont chase eachother or bother with the plec, and i know they are over a year old....
Was there a particular reason why you asked for advice in the first place?

I'm not saying that it's impossible for a common plec to live alongside common puffers, but in this thread it's been detailed a suitable alternative, and why the combination is destined to not work.
Not to throw a wrench in anyone's suggestions, just want to give a different perspective...
I have a 10g with 1 DP and 2 dwarf albino plecos, been together for a year and have never had any problems. However that could just be the personality of my DP, who is a complete wuss!
Whatever you decide, please make sure you keep an eye on your pleco to make sure he's not being harrassed and remove him at any sign of problems. HTH!
I never knew he was a she, poor Cocoa Puff! :lol: She's a fat lil' piggy who refuses to eat anything but BW, (and I have tried some tasty morsels, believe me!) loves to follow me around the tank until I come over there and then swims away like I am the devil coming to claim her soul! My kids are completely fascinated with her and funny thing is, she's not scared of them at all. I'll post a piccie of her when I get home :D
meh, i always just assumed. she was always subordinate to the other DP that was in the tank and i never saw on her the "eye wrinkles" which are supposed to indicate a male DP.

i can't wait to see her!

(sorry for the hijack :p)

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