Common Or Sailfin ?


New Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Monifieth, Scotland
Thought I would ask the specialists for your opinion....


Unfortunately this is the best pic I can get of him/her at the moment..

Used to have a stunning male blue eyed plec :drool: back home in Sweden (back in 1995), and also a common plec.
The baby I have now is definately not a blue eyed plec, but not too sure if he is a common plec..?
I would say common but difficult to tell without seeing the fin.
It's just the colouring that confuses me.... just does not look common to me...???:S

Will have to sit on "plec - watch" tonight and see if I can get a better pic of the wee baby with his fin up to make the identification easier.

The other thing I was thinking of is that where I bought him from the label said "Wild Caught", but never said where from....?
Must admit that I thought this was a lot of bull.... what is your opinion? :/
If you speak to smithrc (or is it Jimbooo ??) (and some others) apparently they interbreed.
Now that will probably confuse you more ! But try to get a better picture and we can try and have a better guess :)
Thats weird i bought a gibby yesterday!! 8cm! on thing i didnt realise is these things produce a lot of waste! even for a plec!!

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