Common Freshwater Shrimp And Their Requirement.


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2007
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Marietta GA, USA
Red Cherry Shrimp

Scientific Name:Neocaridina denticulata sinensis (red)
Size- 1" to 2"
Tank requirement- About 30 for every 5 gallons. Very well cycled. Low nitrate (<20). Well planted
Breeding- Breed like rabbits (enough said). Might not reproduce in water that is too acidic.
pH- Can live under conditions that are soft and slightly acidic (pH 6.6-7.0) to very hard and alkaline (pH 7.0-8.4 and above).Very adaptable shrimp. Is most productive and does best in soft to medium hard water with a pH in the alkaline range.
Temperature- Wide range, but best kept at 70°F-80°F


Ghost Shrimp (Glass Shrimp)

Scientific Name:palaeomonetes species
Size- males 1"females 1.5"
Tank requirement- About 30 for every 5 gallons. Very well cycled. Low nitrate (<20) Well planted
Breeding- Hard to breed. Eggs must be placed in brackish water until hatched and then placed back into freshwater.
pH- pH 6.5-8.0
Temperature- 68-85°F


Crystal Red Shrimp

Scientific Name:Caridina sp.
Size- 1" to 2"
Tank requirement- About 20 for every 5 gallons. Very well cycled. Low nitrate (<15) Well planted
Breeding- This shrimp will readily cross with the bee shrimp (crystal black shrimp), chinese zebra shrimp, and the tiger shrimp. The bumblebee shrimp might also cross with this shrimp, but it is less likely to do so since it seems to be a completely different species. Fairly easy to breed otherwise. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
pH- 5-8
Temperature- 70°F-78°F is best, will not tolerate temperatures that are too high.


Amano Shrimp

Scientific Name: Caridina japonica
Size- 2"
Tank requirement- About 15 for every 5 gallons. Very well cycled. Low nitrate (<15) Well planted
Breeding- Hard to breed. Eggs must be placed in brackish water until hatched and then placed back into freshwater.
pH- 6-8 Very adaptive
Temperature- 60-80°F


Singapore Wood Shrimp

Scientific Name: Atyopsis moluccensis
Size- Up to 4"
Tank requirement- About 4 for every 5 gallons. Very well cycled. Low nitrate (<15) Well planted
Breeding- Hard to breed. Eggs must be placed in brackish water until hatched and then placed back into freshwater.
pH- 6.5 - 7.4
Temperature- 72-85°F


Scientific Name: Caridina sp. "Dark Green"
Size- 1.2 in / 1.5 in
Tank requirement- Very easy to care for. Breed like rabbits if there are good water conditions and plenty of food.
Breeding- High
pH- 6.8 - 7.5
Temperature- 68 - 82 °F

Contact me for any others you wish to have listed.

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