Common Bn And Albino Bn


Fish Addict
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi all,
I have a 20g comunity set up but im afraid if my breeding pairs have babies in there then the babies will be eaten.
I have my 10g set up with my shrimp only. Would it be ok to keep both pairs (ABN and BN) in the 10 gallon for breeding purposes? (Got a bigger tank planned, just need to find some space for now.)
If not, could i atleast leave them till they breed, remove the female. Untill the fry are an inch or so?

Hmm well would i be able to store the baby BNs in there atleast then? And get them to breed in the 20g, just move them into a fry saver then out as soon as they free swimming?

The problem with a 10 gallon is that it's too small for parents and fry. You can spawn a pair of BN in a 10, but they will produce up to 100 depending on the size of the female. The BN's are fine to leave together with their fry, but the rams and angelfish in the 20 would be likely to pick them off. If you plan to raise a significant number of BN fry it would be best to set up a 40-55 gallon breeding tank for the pair. You'll need to grow the fry out to at least 1" before moving them along.

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