Common And Bn In The Same Tank?


Jun 26, 2007
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Not been around for a while but have a question for you knowledgeable people!

When I first set my tank up last August I rescued a couple of common plecos from really dire conditions. One has since been rehomed as they were getting territorial.

If I'm honest I never really wanted the commons but once I knew how they were living I couldnt walk away and leave them. The one who is still with me is very happy and healthy and he seems really settled and happy BUT I wanted a 2 starlight BN's when I set the tank up.

So my question is - would one or two juvenile BN's cause the big guy to get aggressive and territorial??

I reckon Big Guy is about 10inches maybe, the tank is 4ftx2ftx1.5ft there are lots of hiding places - the other inhabitants are cory's, polka-dot loaches, rainbow fish, rasboras and danios - so no other aggressive occupants in there.

What do you think??
he will turn nasty towards the b/ns
so your best bet is get rid of the common
If i were you i would get rid of the common now! before he gets aggressive
I think the size differecne being so big would mean its ok, certainly worth a try, especially with lots of territories
Just to let you know...

When I had my 55 gallon setup (a 4 foot long tank), I had a gibbi and a BN in there. The gibbi was 8" and the BN was 4"; the BN beat him up tore his fins badly. The gibbi did recover and he's in a friend's tank now.
yep i would have thought that once the bristlenose gets comfy (assuming he's male) he will be the one showing aggression towards the common,

Thats what happened in one of my tanks a few years ago.
yep i would have thought that once the bristlenose gets comfy (assuming he's male) he will be the one showing aggression towards the common,

Blimey - I never thought of that :unsure:

I may try it - I'll talk to my LFS first and see if they will have the BN back if it doesnt work out

Thanks for all your help guys :good:

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