"commercial Sized" Dechlorinator

N0body Of The Goat

Oddball and African riverine fish keeper
Apr 1, 2010
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Over the last week, including a major scare when I discovered I had overdosed Easycarbo on a massive scale in the 540 (resulting in a 60% water change), I've managed to go through the best part of a 500ml bottle of Tetra Aqua Safe, which cost ~£14!
It did not help that the doseage of this Tetra product is higher than Nutrafin's Aquaplus (20ml per 8 gallons versus 10ml).

Having just looked on Ebay and Google, the best price I've come up with so far is £20.50 including postage for 2 litres of Nutrafin Aquaplus (http://cgi.ebay.co.u...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT).

Does anyone know of any better deals?
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eBay is definately the best place to get deals on conditioners. Some shops are cheaper than others but don't compete with some eBay dealers. I also go for the bigger bottles, saves a good amount of money.

So, I'd go for that if I were you, unless you find a cheaper eBayer.

buy a bottle of seachem prime, it only takes 0.25ml to sort out 10ltrs of water and lasts for ages. saves loads of cash on dechlor :good: another option is to use pond dechlor as its even more concentrated.
I use pond dechlorinator - you can buy huge bottle dead cheap on ebay and they last forever. I have a 250L tank and all I need is one teaspoon for a 50% water change!
I have a second vote for seachem prime. I used to spend loads on dechlor til I switched but I havent bought a bottle in nearly a year now! Although I am going to have to buy another one soon. But even so, it's good stuff! If I had a bigger tank I'd go for pond dechlor.
so would a 400lr tank be regarded as a large tank, for a 50% (200lr) water change how much pond dechlor would i use
That would depend on the brand it seems, as I have discovered while comparing Aqua Safe and Aquaplus.
i use pond dechlor and i dont have anywhere near as big a tank. one bottle lasts me for months and months. i use around 1/2 ml per 10 gal or so. i never really measure, just eyeball it. pond dechlor is the way to go. just make sure it treats chlorine AND chloramine. best deal out there. get some pond dechlor :good:
Sorry to crash your thread but... Can I ask the members who do you use pond dechlor, what brands are you using?

pond declor is just more concentrated

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