Is the plastic box idea not possible?
The thing I can't understand is, why, if you like these fish so much and insist on getting them, you still want to put them in a 10 gallon. If the pond is heated, fair enough, you could put them in there - but put them in there from the start (and hope the koi don't get them). If you want to grow them out so the koi can't eat them (I don't know how big the koi are mind you), you need a bigger tank anyway as they'll need to be moved even at 2-3" (due to the huge amount of waste they produce and their activity levels).
Like I've said, it's pointless putting them in a tank where they'll need to move out in a few months. It's stressful, the tank has to first be cycled fishless, you could only keep about 4 for any decent amount of time and they are active so would preffer a less limmited space.
Anyway, it's up to you. Do what you think is right.