Colwater Fish Ulcers....

big mick

Fish Addict
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
Irvine, Scotland
Before setting up the new coldwater tank 2b of the coldwater fish developed ulcers, the water stats were fine and i did a 50% w/c and added a course of all went away and all was well, then about 6 weeks later the same fish developed them again, loads of them, it was a comet and he looked like the4 elephant man. After another treatment of the myaxzin he was back to normal.

When i set the new tank up on the first of this month all was well again but then the two fish that had it in the old tank (a comet and a fantail) both died within days of each other, now a couple of weeks on the red cap orander has it!

I change 30% of the water twice a week and the stats are currently pH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 5.0ppm and Nitrite 2.0ppm.....what has caused that?

The fish that has it now seems to be swimming quite happy with his fin up but I want to to know how to rid the tank of this and sort ther water stats. They were fine two weeks ago.
Your nitrites are showing 2 which if the tank is cycled should be 0 so i assume the tank is still cycling at a month of setting up.
Do more water changes to bring the nitrites under 1 to finish the cycling.
Ulcers are bacterial and the cause is still in the tank, maybe salting the tank to .2% over a long period may help with the healing, but it wont stop the bacteria getting in.. Are you using sand and are you stirring it regularly? How many fish, their size, size of tank and filtration would be good to know as well.
I used lots of filter media from the established tank and also some of the original ornaments but I did 40-50% water changes every couple of days at first and the stats were coming up fine until the other week.

The tank is 240ltr with Juwel filtration, she has 2 dojo loaches, 2 med shubinkins, 2 small shubvunkins (to be rehomed in pond in summer) 1 veiltail Oranda 3" 3 fantails 2" and a black moore 2"
If you are only relying on the juwel filter then its way underfiltered even though you are doing lots of water changes. You are overstocked as well as the shubunkin will need around 15 to 20 gallons each and the fancies a minimum of 10 gallons each.
With an overstocked/underfiltered tank then disease will break out despite your best efforts as the fish become stressed in confined spaces.
If you can thin out the population now then that will help and also add another filter to get your tank turning over the water 10 times in an hour and swapping back to either gravel or a bare bottom then you will reduce the bacterial load quickly.
You cant add salt with the loaches so lots more water changes and sand cleaning if you have to keep it is as it is.
With the ornaments as well, make sure you move those when cleaning so you dont get pockets of dirt building up.
The shubunkins will be gone in the summer if i get the pond done hopfully so the rest will be fine for a good while at least. I know folk say not to but ive always used salt with the dojo loaches in and its never bothered them atall, ive done it for years.

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