I currently have 8 Odessa Barbs that are showing signs of what I believe to be Columnaris. I have had them about 5-6 months now and have been what appeared to be healthy up to this point, however reading up on this disease I suspect i might have been wrong.
They Originally showed strange signs/markings in the first few weeks of owning them which I believed to be harmless and normal for this type of fish. Only now, 4-5 months later have any definite signs of disease appeared.
The symptoms were the following (after 2-3 weeks of purchase):
Small white markings on a few of the fishes lips. Almost like white bottom lips.
After 3-4 months some of the fish appeared to have markings on the top of the head. I originally thought the catfish they share a tank with had mistaken the individuals as a snack and damaged the scales through the night. The markings appeared to be grey/white colour and looked like the scales had been rubbed off (perhaps even through rubbing or flashing). Only 3-4 individuals up until now have this symptom.
The symptoms now are:
White Lips (on 2-3 individuals)
Grey/white Scaless appearance on top of head (on 3-4)
Damaged and frayed fins and swimming off balance, sunken abdomen (on 1 individual)
Swimming off balance only (on one individual)
Frayed fins resulting in Death (previously had nine)
One or two show zero symptoms and others show more than one. The loaches and catfish that share the tank show zero symptoms of infection.
All readings such as ammonia and nitrites are zero and nitrates are well in check.
I am tempted to run a course of Melafix and see if the problem disappears. Please advise if this treatment would be suitable taking into consideration the above facts.
Thanks for reading
I currently have 8 Odessa Barbs that are showing signs of what I believe to be Columnaris. I have had them about 5-6 months now and have been what appeared to be healthy up to this point, however reading up on this disease I suspect i might have been wrong.
They Originally showed strange signs/markings in the first few weeks of owning them which I believed to be harmless and normal for this type of fish. Only now, 4-5 months later have any definite signs of disease appeared.
The symptoms were the following (after 2-3 weeks of purchase):
Small white markings on a few of the fishes lips. Almost like white bottom lips.
After 3-4 months some of the fish appeared to have markings on the top of the head. I originally thought the catfish they share a tank with had mistaken the individuals as a snack and damaged the scales through the night. The markings appeared to be grey/white colour and looked like the scales had been rubbed off (perhaps even through rubbing or flashing). Only 3-4 individuals up until now have this symptom.
The symptoms now are:
White Lips (on 2-3 individuals)
Grey/white Scaless appearance on top of head (on 3-4)
Damaged and frayed fins and swimming off balance, sunken abdomen (on 1 individual)
Swimming off balance only (on one individual)
Frayed fins resulting in Death (previously had nine)
One or two show zero symptoms and others show more than one. The loaches and catfish that share the tank show zero symptoms of infection.
All readings such as ammonia and nitrites are zero and nitrates are well in check.
I am tempted to run a course of Melafix and see if the problem disappears. Please advise if this treatment would be suitable taking into consideration the above facts.
Thanks for reading