Hi Wilder.
I desperately need your help. jollysue recommended you so you must be very good. I have white cloud minnows die alot. They develop a white mark/spot on their lower lip and then hours later the top lip also becomes white. This then spreads slowly to all the face and at this stage the fish can't close their mouths . The fish then become unable to swim and then die. All this can happen within a day . I have one sick minnow at the moment who has developed the white lower lip last night and the top lip became white this morning. He is still swimming and eating. I have been doing weekly water changes and siphon any leftover food once a day. I have 3 neon tetras, 2 rummynoses, 1 bronze cory, 2 panda corys and 2 minnows in the tank. I feed the corys twice a day and the others get fed twice a day but very small amounts. My tank is 28 litres and has an Elite internal filter and a air pump attached to a airistone. It has 3 live plants and one artificial plant. The temperature in my tank was 27c but jollysue suggested reducing it to 21c so I am slowly turning the heater down a tiny bit each time. I have had at least 4 minnows die in this way.
Please please help. I can't quarantine the infected fish because I don't have a quarantine tank. None of the other fish have died in this way except one neon tetra who developed a white bleached look on his back and then died the same day. My other fish look perfectly fine.
I desperately need your help. jollysue recommended you so you must be very good. I have white cloud minnows die alot. They develop a white mark/spot on their lower lip and then hours later the top lip also becomes white. This then spreads slowly to all the face and at this stage the fish can't close their mouths . The fish then become unable to swim and then die. All this can happen within a day . I have one sick minnow at the moment who has developed the white lower lip last night and the top lip became white this morning. He is still swimming and eating. I have been doing weekly water changes and siphon any leftover food once a day. I have 3 neon tetras, 2 rummynoses, 1 bronze cory, 2 panda corys and 2 minnows in the tank. I feed the corys twice a day and the others get fed twice a day but very small amounts. My tank is 28 litres and has an Elite internal filter and a air pump attached to a airistone. It has 3 live plants and one artificial plant. The temperature in my tank was 27c but jollysue suggested reducing it to 21c so I am slowly turning the heater down a tiny bit each time. I have had at least 4 minnows die in this way.
Please please help. I can't quarantine the infected fish because I don't have a quarantine tank. None of the other fish have died in this way except one neon tetra who developed a white bleached look on his back and then died the same day. My other fish look perfectly fine.