Columbian Zebra Plecs

Since the ban on export of the true Zebra Plec hypancistrus zebra importers have been calling just about any stripy plec a 'zebra' in an attempt to cash in on the demand for the true zebra.

£10 is a reasonable price for a nice fancy plec, but don't expect a true zebra for that price!
well im gona be gettin some pics so ill post them on here so us can tell me wat you think

if your refering to the ones on Aquarists classifieds... they are all gone :(

I was looking at getting some more. :)

He should have some in next week - but there is a £25 shipping charge :/

but £10 is a good price - our 5 have cost us £115 total :)

P.s they look like this...


They been called Columbian zerbra for a long time - Chocolate zebras are another that have had the name for a log time too... any thing else I'll go with Sirs under hand tactics theory :)
ok i was emailed just a min ago sayin he does hav some but maybe he doesnt

i didnt no it was 25 pounds postage though

hav u seen pics of them??


they look well nice wat size tank do you have ures in??
an what size tank could 1 stay in??

well... normally they are in a 120L

At the moment they are in a 50L to themselves due to moving
(if i get my finger out this weekend i might get their tank home and set it up in our bedroom again)
Have a look at Tank 4 on my website - thats the tank they normally share with some rummy noses and a few corries

they are actually ok in the 2ft. they are full grown now (we've had then a year now) and are just under 3" a piece.

[edit - changed tank number from 3 to 4]
yea i wanted to get at least one for my 2ft tank

thanx for the help

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