Columbian Tetras, Too Soon To Add?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2009
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I've been searching for some good tank mates to fill back out my 75 gallon community. I will pop in the lfs a couple times a week to see if they have a new stock or have any sales gong on, and yesterday they had black neon tetras, glow light tetras, and columbian tetras all on sale for a dollar a piece. I don't usually see them going for that cheap, and as I am looking to get another school of about 10 or so tetras to add, the price was almost too good to refuse...almost. Right now I have one featherfin catfish, 10 zebra danios, 7 male guppies, and 7 tiger barbs. PH 8, ammonia/nitrite: 0 ppm(tank has been cycled for a couple years now at least and used to house messy oscars before switching to small fish), nitrate 15 ppm. No plants. Sand and lots of rock caves stacked tall.

Does anyone have experience they would like to share with columbian tetras in particular? I thought they looked awesome and would like to pick them up, but my current stock has only been in there for a couple weeks now (got rid of oscars, replaced them with smaller fish the next day). My filter has probably had time to adjust to the smaller fish now and would likely need a bit of time to catch up to the new load. Is 10 too many to add at once or should I be fine? The filter is an eheim 2026.

Should I give my current stock another couple weeks to stabilize before I go adding another school?
Did another water test, and my nitrates are down to 15ppm it looks like. I've been doing alot of water changes and filter cleanings since I got rid of my adult oscars. With them the nitrates were always up in the 50-60 ppm range because they were so messy. I've got it under control now and all my inhabitants seem to be doing well. The lfs was actually low on the columbian tetras, and since they were on sale, ordering some would likely not come with sale prices, but they also had some buenos aires tetras which have a similar look so I picked up 10 of those instead. I was also looking at glowlight tetras, lamp eye tetras, or the black neon tetras, but I need some variety in size of tank inhabitants. Acclimating them as we speak. Hopefully they play nice with my tiger barbs and zebra danios.

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