Colt Coral, And Spaghetti Leathers Not Looking Good!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2006
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I have a large colt coral and to large Spaghetti leathers. Last week i noticed that they were not getting as big as the normally did, and a few day after that the corals would close up as if something was picking at them (but there is nuthing) 10 mins after they closed up they would be fully openedagin.. but on the weekend they were closed up for most of the day, and yesterday and today my colt coral is all floped over and shrunk right up, and my 2 Spaghetti are really samll and all like blueish?? any body know what is happending? could it be lack of iodine, of something else ( i have never added iodine)

I find this strange, becasue all my other corals are fine.

i also did a water test and everything came back perfict.

Define perfect? And which tests did you do? And did you have them verified by a third party (LFS/local friend) with their own kits/devices?

What's the full stock list, corals, inverts, and fish?

Any recent additions? (livestock or equipment)

What's your water change regimen?

What's your input water source and it's TDS?
True colt corals, the fuzzy brown or pinkish ones, can be tricky to keep. They may fall apart as a stress response. They also do not shed, so lapses in fullness cannot be explained by shedding. They also take days to expand fully after being shipped in my experienced. Give it time.

The spaghettis, on the other hand, may be shedding. This process is usually short, but is often spontaneous; one day they will be beautifully expanded, then shrunken that same evening. Shedding is not usually an indication of water quality or health.

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