Colourful Fishes I Can Add With Betta


Leader of the Pieces
Mar 25, 2006
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i have a 180L tank with mollies, platies, corries, loaches and A BETTA.
can anybody suggest fish types/species that will make my tank more colourful?
or colourful tanksmate is a no-no for a betta.

thanks people!
I take it this is a male betta? If so, nothing really- male bettas can be particually agressive towards other fish that are colorful, and don't really do well with ones that are active as male bettas are easily out-competed for food.
If its a female, it be a different situation, but how many do you have?
I take it this is a male betta? If so, nothing really- male bettas can be particually agressive towards other fish that are colorful, and don't really do well with ones that are active as male bettas are easily out-competed for food.
If its a female, it be a different situation, but how many do you have?

i only have one male betta.
don't really want a separate setup for him....
Mollies, platies, cories, and loaches aren't colorful enough? :) Sorry, couldn't resist. How long has your betta been in with the others? If he's been okay with them, then I don't see a problem in adding rasboras, neons, danios, cherry barbs or even a pearl gourami.
Mollies, platies, cories, and loaches aren't colorful enough? :) Sorry, couldn't resist. How long has your betta been in with the others? If he's been okay with them, then I don't see a problem in adding rasboras, neons, danios, cherry barbs or even a pearl gourami.

the betta has been with them for more than a month now.
no problems, whatsoever...
i should have added 'MORE' colourful on the title..
you are forgiven for not resisting...
we all can't sometimes...
i'll try putting 6 rasboras..
what do you people think?
more? or no-go?
I like rasbora harlequins. I only have female bettas with mine, so I don't know how your male would do, but the females and rasboras totally ignore each other.
My female does, occasionally, chase about my rasboras, but not often, and not for long.
The rasboras should be ok in there. Mine are rarely if ever aggressive, and their aggression is meted out to one another. :p
thanks people!
i will go with 6+ harlequins then!

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