coloured sand for coldwater tanks?


Fish Crazy
Apr 14, 2004
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I saw a marine tank with couloured sand in it and wondered if you could use this sand in a tropical or coldwater aquarium.The reason i ask this i because is it safe for the fish because my fish go around the floor and clean the gravel and i wonder if they will swallow the sand.any advice? :)
What type of fish and if the sand is specifically for marine then it probably is a no go as it will mess with your ph. Playsand, pool filter sand and some others just for freshwater tanks should be fine. Most fish do just fine with sand and many of them prefer it. What color was it that attracted you so?

well ive got a small 2 gallon tank in my room with 3 red comet platys in it.I wanted some kind of blue or purple couloured sand for it.Also i have a 70gallon tank in my living room and i wanted green sand in there.In that tank are goldfish,orangas n weather loaches.I saw some sand in a local pet shop but it didnt say weather it was for marine or coldwater.I still might try some though in my small tank. :D

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