Colour fading on Pakistani loach


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
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Oxford UK
I have a pair of pakistani loaches. Both seem to be quite happy and are thriving in my tank.

However, one of them keeps losing colour and fading!! -_-

The colour usually returns fairly quickly but i do find it strange. Any ideas?
Well being that it does come back, I would say it's probably stress from either other fish, or he's just not comfortable in the tank.
pakistani loaches aka yoyo loaches should really be kept in groups of 4 minimum.
they will be happier and healthier if you add more.
I have three Pakistan botia aka Yoyo loaches and they seem to do fine but one of them turns a bit grey once in a while but it has lessend with time.
paulthegreat said:
I have three Pakistan botia aka Yoyo loaches and they seem to do fine but one of them turns a bit grey once in a while but it has lessend with time.
That sounds similar to mine. It goes a dull, faded kinda colour
hi there,
i added a similar post to yours ages ago. when we introduced a 2nd pakistani loach to our 1 ours did the same thing except they both went almost completely white. apparently its what they do when excited or can be due to stress. ours seemed to have a few scraps at first (doing the white out thingy) & now have settled & spend a lot of time swimming/loafing together.and only occasionally one will go pale briefly - maybe theyre having an argument???
they do as said like their own kind so get yours a friend (3 is better but we dont have space) :)
Thanks for the advice people :thumbs:

Hes a little paler today but has eaten and is swimming around ok. Not sure if he could be a little stressed, the other pakistani loach is slightly larger now and does chase him occasionaly so i guess they could be sorting a pecking order between them -_-

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