Colour Change Discus


Fish Herder
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
buckinghamshire, high wycombe
the colour and growth change in these 2 fish in a couple of months is amazing
Albino in quarentine when i 1st got him



yellow(one on right)which has now gone too orange as i fed him tetra prima

regards Angel
wowweeeeeeee! those are some stunning colours! the change is amazing, they're really bright and vivid now
i had no idea feeding red food to a yellow fish would turn it orange
how come when i post pics. of fish that go through dramatic color changes people give me crap? hahahaha! nice discus! i want to get some!
Did you punch up the color in the after pics?

The plants look like they are glowing and the wood has shades of blue and purple in it.
Very nice discus maybe you should try feeding yellow food to a blue fish haha.
Wow angelmouse. Your discus never cease to amaze me. They're beautiful. That's awesoe color changing.
wow complete change , i fort my tangerene pearl discus changed loads, i fort that there albino they would stay white??
i promise there is no photo shop on these photos that is how they look in tank, also remembering that the 1st photos were taken when i just got them so they were proberbly abit stressed, i do use lights in the blue colour spectrum to bring out the blue in the fish, but i have 3 light tubes on tank which makes them look really bright and it really makes a difference to there colours. i always take photos at night with room lights out and no flash.
full tank


these are the same fish using a flash which tends to dull colours

regards Angel
angelmouse, those are some stunning specimens you have! Do you mind telling us what your water parameters are, you how often you clean the tank??


By the way, any luck with that color change you wanted??
yeah torpedo barbs (densil barbs) are quality have some in my discus tank, very beautiful active fish,
the Albino is a peach albino which i have not heard of before, but have seen blue and golden albinos before and think this looks very similar to a golden. Torpedo barbs are great fish my fav for good looks
Water is PH 6.7, hardness kh4, using 80% r/o water and 20% treated tap water, they have 2 weekly waterchanges + a quick hoover if they have beefheart, i run 2 eheim external filters to help keep it all clean.
thanks for kind comments
regards Angel

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