Colorful fish that the Bloodfins won't rip apart and bully?

Anonymous Fox

Fish Addict
Mar 27, 2021
Reaction score
Venus (I move a lot)
I don't really care for the color, my mom does though.

I want fish that my blood fin tetras won't bully or bother. I'm gonna order some bloodfins soon. but I would like bottom-dwellers, middle dwellers, and top dwellers (or whatever they're called)

pH: 6.3
GH; 7
NO2; 0
NO3; 0

Tank Size: 47-gallon hex Tall

Current Stocking: 1 Dwarf Gourami (that I'm moving to my 10 gal once the other one is better) 2 Bloodfin tetras, 10 Silvertip tetras, 3 mystery snails (the eggs died, sadly)

How's this sound? (what I would be buying to add on to what I have)
Bottom Dwellers: 1 Clown Stripe Pleco, 5+ Black Night Shrimp
Middle Dwellers: 9 Bloodfin Tetras, 6 Albino Lemon Tetra, 6 glowlight tetra
Top Dwellers: 6 Harlequin Rasbora, 6 Purple Emperor Tetra.

would this be over-stocked?
Not sure if it would be compatible with the other fish, but I keep an electric blue acara with my bloodfins and pleco!
Bloodfins would be a big mistake. They are known fin nippers when combined with sedate fish.
pH: 6.3 ....... ✅
GH; 7 .......... ✅
NO2; 0 ........ ✅
NO3; 0 ........ ✅
KH ...............❓
NH3 ............ ❓

Bloodfins .... ⛔ they are rascal nippers especially with slow swimmers.

Clown Striped Pleco is omnivorous tendancy vegetarian but doen't object to eating dwarf shrimps...

You really should favorse only 1 species large school of top dwellers and only one species large school of middle dwellers for fishes well-being.
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But I already HAVE them, am I just gonna let them have a group of 2? No, I'm not.

Agree. And the Silvertips and Neons should be safe, especially with 15 bloodfins. Studies have shown that with larger groups, these nippy fish tend to be less nippy of other fish. The exception is when you have sedate fish like gourami or cichlids, these are like waving a red flag in front of a bull...just asking for trouble. But your groups of three species should be OK in those numbers.
could i get 8 Kuhli loaches or some other type of loach?

If you have sand the kuhli loaches are OK (they like to bury themselves in soft sand). I'd like to know the tank dimensions before suggesting other loaches as space for territories and "play" is very important for the "normal" loaches.
If you have sand the kuhli loaches are OK (they like to bury themselves in soft sand). I'd like to know the tank dimensions before suggesting other loaches as space for territories and "play" is very important for the "normal" loaches.

pretty sure its this size, and 3 feet tall
There is not even length for the medium/larger loaches, but the "dwarf" species should be OK here. They need lots of chunks of wood, preferably wood that has tunnels and crevices--I found the dark brown Malaysian Driftwood to be ideal for loaches. Watching them playing tag through these tunnels was a real delight of keeping these social fish. Sand is best, or a fine smooth gravel; they do love to dig under wood.

Species I have maintained for years were the dwarf chain loach, Ambastaia sidthimunki, and the banded dwarf loach Micronemacheilus cruciatus. Both need a group of no fewer than five. As I've mentioned previously in threads, loaches are highly social fish and the five or six (or more) placed in an aquarium together will fairly soon have their hierarchy worked out and be content.
Hexagon-tall shape is really not ideal for fishes :/
To me Pangio khuli :no: is too long. But Pangio pangia or Pangio oblonga could be suitable.

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