Colorful Fish For 10 Gallon Tank


Apr 6, 2009
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im setting up a 10 gallon tank with black substrate and a black backround that i'll eventually fish with very colorful fish... im just not sure what. i was thinkin a dwarf gourami with 5 or 6 neon tetras. im trying to think what else i could put in there. are there any colorful bottom-feeders out there that'll work? so far im thinkin maybe cherry shrimp or a few kuhli loaches. any ideas?
Endlers are extremely colourful and active little fishes :good:
Honey Gourami's? They don't grow to big.

some guppies :) and you can get some very bright platties, and even the females afre bright colours
you could get some rams they stay around the dottom level and are very pretty!

ah, i love rams. but no shops around me ever have them. i dont understand why theyre not widely available, especially bolivians. they seem like they'd be very popular... beautiful colors, fairly hardy, relatively peaceful. its a shame really. i could buy them online but im not too into paying 30 dollars for shipping per fish haha. thanks though.
I've just got some Rams, and they are stunning :good:
For bottom feeders get 2 otto's for the alge they are great cleaners for small tanks.

I bought a fish which is new to me but maybe not to you all, its a Long Fin Red Minor Tetra its a serpae and what a beautiful and lovely little fish, do a google on it and see for yourself. The colors are very pretty and mine has some white on the top fin and in the right light it looks blue.

One caution though I find they are nippy and if you google them you can find out more about them. The store only had one of its kind and I don't know if thats because its a male and they are nippy or they just sold all the others. What a beautiful fish though I could sit and watch it all day long with those fins.

I call mine Ruffles and you will see why.

Mine is in my Discus tank 46 gal with 3 glow lites and it seems fine but I don't know how they would be in a smaller tank.

Just a thought.
They are very beautiful fish bugsy! They are shoaling though, you should see if you can find some more :good: Same for the glowlights.
Ya I know they are schooling fish, they did not have anymore at the time and I could not pass up on this one. When they get more in I will get a few more. The glow lites have been a group of 3 for a long time. I will have to add more of them. I have to be careful as these fish are in my discus tank and I don't want to create a nippy tank. But I could not resist the long fin minor and it schools with the glow lites.

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