Color Spoofing On Aquabid


Mar 8, 2006
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I'm not sure if this picture has been edited for color or rays or not, but in the efforts of preserving honest sellers, if any of you have good pics of edited betta's that will help us people new to the world of Betta buying; well, it would help us spot fakes and phonies and spoofed pics. XD


I was thinking either a) they took the picture under a moon light instead of normal lighting, or b) they edited it for purple color or C: That is one Hella HANDSOME fish!

Link if anyone wanted to buy him XD
Definitely the lighting. Could also be photoshopped, but it's most probably the lighting. :hey:

Okay, so if its the lighting, what would your best guess be as to what it would look like in regular sunlight? More of a red-lavender color? Blue-ish purple? I saw the pic and was like I WANT! XD
Photo could also have been easily touched up--which they do a lot on the SEAsian fish photos. I haven't checked lately but Aquabid even suggests in it's section for advice to sellers that you might want to enhance your photo to better insure a sale and at a good price. This fish, since it's only selling for $20 on an open auction board, does not actually look as stunning as that (anyone with a fish like that would probably be selling it to someone more locally who is willing to pay mega-money for it--prime bettas often sell in the $thousand (US)). It looks to me like the red has been augmented, the background has been darkened and perhaps the crown points sharpened, fish's body color also looks enriched. Hard to tell what the actual fish probably looks like--and the seller knows that once you pay for shipping and handling, you are not going to want to have to return the fish for a refund for false advertising (don't even know if they have false ad laws in Indonesia). The title of the auction says he's a "tourquoise" but I dont' see any turq on him--so figure that in. On top of whatever price the auction closes at, you have to pay the $7 to the seller for shipping, then the additional transshipper price so it will all add up. If you are really interested in this fish, email the seller and ask for additional photos (usually they won't have spent the time to touch up all of their pictures).
Okay, so if its the lighting, what would your best guess be as to what it would look like in regular sunlight? More of a red-lavender color? Blue-ish purple? I saw the pic and was like I WANT! XD

Probably steel or royal blue body with some red wash on the fins.

Looks like a royal blue mustard gas to me, but if the seller says it's turquoise chances are it is. There's a difference between poorly lit/edited photos and false advertising :p
I'd expect it to look a little something like this, only with more blue/turquoise on the fin rays, since they appear darker.

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