color mostly gone


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
So Rye just lost his color between yesterday and today. He's not completely colorless...just really pale everywhere. When I came home today he was basically laying on the bottom sideways. I actually thought he was dead but then I saw him moving his mouth.
Is losing the color a sign that he's going to die soon?
He did perk up when I medicated again but since tomorrow is a non medicating day then I'm not sure he's going to make it. I just want to be prepared for the worse :/ He started swimming at the top again but he still wont eat. I eventually added an airstone to give him some oxygen in there and I clipped the tube to make it have less bubbles. But thanks yeevia for answering my question ;)
He does have a filter. I just thought he needed some extra air in the water to help him breath under there as well as over the water.
This is his 5-6th day without eating. He looks really thin (of course) and discolored. He's being treated in a 10 gallon for velvet and fin rot with Maracide and Maracyn (but the maracyn treatment is done already). there a chance he'll make it or is this a sign that he's not going to?
Try a JFE tablet. It's a four-day treatment... maybe try something different for food. Like frozen brine. They smell really good to a fish. Just give him a rest from the Maracyde and things. All the medicines could just be stressing him out really bad. Try some salt, heat and a dark place for him to rest first. Hope he gets better! (hugs)
It's dark, his tank is set at 84, and he has salt in the tank. But yea, he probably is pretty stressed. I just hope he makes it. Fin rot doesn't really look like its there anymore and the velvet seems to be gone but I'm still continuing the medicine to make sure he really is better. I think he's just really weak.
have you done any water changes, some times you can poison them by over medicating the tank, some medications mix and as a result they turn the water toxic, also i think you temp may be a bit hi 82/84 is fine for breeding but not for every day living, good luck
I'd have to agree I think.
Sometimes the meds just stress them a bit and some good clean water really perks them up. Give that a try and see what happens.

I don't wanna give you false hope - because losing their color usually isn't a very good sign, but the fact that he's back up off the bottom of the tank is a pretty good sign anyway.

Good luck!
I would definitely lower the temperature of your tank to around 78 to 80 degrees. As Bettawen mentioned, 82/84 if pretty high, usually only kept at that temperature for spawning your bettas.

When my bettas start to act in that fashion (losing color and not eating), I always do a 30% water change (you should be changing out around 20% of your bettas water every week anyway to help keep toxins in the water low) and add some BettaMax (Not Betta Fix, that something different). BettaMax is by Aquatic Pharmaceuticals or Aquatronics, I believe and usually helps to perk up a betta that is having some coloration and eating problems.

It may also be that your betta is getting old. How long have you had your betta? Where did you get it?

Most bettas that are purchased at fish or pet stores are at least 9 months old, but usually a year old. The average bettas life span is around 2 to 3 years. If a betta is well taken care of (religious water changes and proper care), they may live from 5 to 7 years. I have a friend that has had their pet store betta for five years and it is acting a little slow now and has lost some of his color. I hope your betta starts to perk up soon. :)
High temp actually helps with the velvet so that is why his temp is that high. I haven't water changed him since starting the meds because that's what it says to do on the boxes of the meds. The meds are supposed to be safe with one another. He's not old. I barely got him like 3-4 months ago so he would be over a year old. I got him at walmart with the fin rot. I never treated it because I didn't know what it was and some people told me it was his color. It just kept going and then got velvet. He has blackwater and stress coat. He hasn't gotten stress lines. I think he's just really weak and cant stay up top. I scooped him up today again because he was back at the bottom. He lost color again so he's practically yellow. I think I'll do the water change later tonight.
Nevermind...he died already. I placed him on top of his plant before I took a shower and he must've gotten off it and went to the corner and died...I know I tried but I think it's my fault. I should've done a water change sooner.

Don't beat yourself up over it. You did all you could. RIP little guy :byebye:
Seeing you only havwe one betta, does that mean you'll get another? People say give it time and jusk, but really, the qiuckest way to forget is to......gently restore, in a way.(I was going to say "Replace" but it sounded too insensative.)
So, I'd say go to Wal*Mart, and buy a sickly betta. From what I've found, its very rewarding nursing a betta back to help.
If your not up to it, go to a good lfs and buy a helthy betta.

:rip: little guy.....Sorry about Rye
I am so sorry he died. It is so hard when we can't help them through their sickness.

I got four more bettas (2 females and 2 males) from yeevia (I just haven't put them in my sig) so I'm getting over his death. And I did water changes on all of them today so that kept me busy.
It's just sad because he was my first betta and I really loved him. I think I'll freeze him till I can burry him tomorrow.

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