Coldwater or Tropical


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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I have what I think is a 10 gallon tank we used to use in my house. I want to get some fish for my room and dont know if I shoudl go for coldwater or tropical. I am very new to fish keeping, and coldwater seems like it would be easier. There are some fish from both types that I like.

What is peoples opinon as to what is best for a beginner?
It is a matter of personal choice. There is no "easier" choice if you want to look after your fish properly.
Both coldwater and tropicals demand the same attention and care. The only financial saving you have is that you don't need a heater running constantly, however after saying that if the room you intend to keep you fish in gets cold you may need a heater in the tank set at a low heat just to keep the water temp. even.
So there is no easier or really cheaper method of fishkeeping-just choice. IMO my choice would be tropicals, there are more choices and pretty colours of fish around. If you are going to expend the energy and financial out lay, why cut corners- go for the best you can afford. :rolleyes:
I agree with with dragonslair. If you seriously want to keep some fish then go for tropical. Much more variety to keep you interested and entertained.

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