Coldwater or Tropical Tank?


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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Well, I tried posting this, but something got messed up so here it is again...

I have what I think is a 10 gallon tank we used to use in my house. I want to get some fish for my room and dont know if I shoudl go for coldwater or tropical. I am very new to fish keeping, and coldwater seems like it would be easier. There are some fish from both types that I like.

What is peoples opinon as to what is best for a beginner?
well i too am kind of a begginer but this is what i did went for the tropical got some guppies and platies and now im wanting for the babies if you do what i did it will be probably more fun and plus you get the exciment of babies if you get livebearers
it's a matter of preference. there's not much difference between them- other then the need for a heater. both types get sick, both need the same environment, both have spunk. though more Tropical fish are more colorful than coldwater varieties.

personally, i'd go Tropical. get a few simple fish (an Oto, a few Neon Tetras, a Betta -nudgenudge- :D) and maybe later you'll feel like experimenting more. i did! moved my entire Tropical community in with my dad's (it is now my tank.) and made mine Coldwater.

of course, you could do the little-kid thing and get some really colorful silk plants and ornaments, a weird background and a pair of funny-looking baby Goldfish.
apart from what has been mentioned, coldwater fish need more room, so you could keep more fish if u went tropical
I think with a tank that size, I would go for tropical. You will be able to put more in. Goldfish etc need a lot more gallons per fish because they are so messy and produce a lot more amonia and so need more water per fish to dilte it to suitable levels.
That is a good point about the amount of fish. And I do like the neon tetras from the pics I have seen online. What would you guys think about this for fish...

6 neon tetras
1 (or 2) ottos
1 betta or 4 barbs (mabey both?)

Im trying to find top, middle, and bottom dwellers. I know the tetras are middle. And I think ottos are bottom...

Also, does it matter mixing different tetras, or should they all be neons. Same with barbs, all one kind of barb or is it ok to mix a school of barbs?
most ppl wouldnt advise puttin a betta in with barbs as barbs are comminly know as 'them darned fin nippers'

sorry to say but im one of them... wouldnt be right to put ur pottential better into a tank that has them in..
:flex: Go tropical. The only thing that makes it a bit harder is having a heater,
and that is no big deal. It pretty much takes care of itself, but be sure to turn it
off when doing water changes, and back on when done. Never operate one dry.
The only other major hardware is a filter, and you should have that with either
coldwater or tropical. Tropical will give you much more fish variety.
I'd say tropical, too. Some reasons:

* You say it's a beginner's tank.
* Tropical gives you a bigger fish selection, and more advice available.
* It's a whole lot easier (and cheaper) to heat water than to cool it down. Your situation may vary, of course, but I don't know of many people that keep their houses near 68 degrees during the summer.

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