Coldwater Fish Suitable For Water Feature!


New Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Welling, Kent
Hi everyone, i have bought a water feature,for my mum, i'm not too sure of the dimensions, but it is like a tiny pond.

My mum really wants a few fish in there with lillys, but i'm not too sure which fish are suitable.

Someone suggested mountain minnows or leopard danios or guppies.

I'm a bit confused, so any help appreciated.

Thanx guys
What country are you in, the climate will dictate what fish you can keep in there.
WCMM's or danio's would be OK in the summer but could do with being bought inside in the winter

if you can get a more accurate measure of size we may be able to make other suggestions.
danio's would be OK in the summer but could do with being bought inside in the winter

do you want something that can stay in there all year round or would it be ok with you to have them out in the summer then bring them in and set up a tank for them in the winter?
I would rather have something just for the summer and put the fish in a tank during winter.

Could i theoretically have any small tropical fish over the summer, or would the nights be too cold.

Please help.
probably too cold for trops, but sub tropical species like the WCMM's would be fine, get a little group of them and a group of the gold WCMM's and it'll look lovely, then just set them up a 20/30gal tank for overwintering. they'd be really happy with that, get a lot of good food from being outside in a pond over summer so you'll probably find they do really well :good:

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