Coldwater Centrepiece Fish


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Thinking about a cold(er) water tank eventually (think about getting about 15 different types of tank eventually, but it's nice to day dream) and was wondering if they are any fish that could really be counted as centre piece fish.

My plan for the potential tank so far is:

Roughly 30G

4 X Hill Stream Loaches
10 X Various colour variations of WCCM

Which leave me with a bit of room to play with...

Any suggestions?
@ombomb said:
Thinking about a cold(er) water tank eventually (think about getting about 15 different types of tank eventually, but it's nice to day dream) and was wondering if they are any fish that could really be counted as centre piece fish.

My plan for the potential tank so far is:

Roughly 30G

4 X Hill Stream Loaches
10 X Various colour variations of WCCM

Which leave me with a bit of room to play with...

Any suggestions?


Good choice on the hillstream fellas. It's worth noting they love fast running water and high oxygen levels, like hillstreams :)D) so if you can replicate that, they're at an advantage. They don't make masses of poop either, and scub algae clean off the glass.
WCCM = White Cloud Mountain Minnows

The idea for the Loaches is to have a secondary, internal filter fitted at the bottom of the tank to create strong circulation.

Would still like something colourful towards the top though if anyone has any ideas!
All i can think of is the red shiner, but i dont know how readily available they are. They grow to around 3 inches but need the temperature lowered through winter so that in the spring they get more colourful.
Theres also sunfish but as with the shiner i dont know how readily available they are either.

I take it you dont want to put a fancy goldfish in it just something different to what others may put in a coldwater?

If you just want one large fish then i cant think of anything.
Depending on where you live, rosy red/fathead minnows are colorful and may be readily available. They aren't realy a 'centerpiece' fish though - just something to fill out the tank and add color. They get to 4". There's several bitterling species that would work in a small school to add color as well. Still not realy what you're looking for though I think. Most bitterlings are colorful and get to about 3". Then there's rudo which also get to 4" and are another reddish schooling fish and I believe readily available.

Is this tank going ot be true coldwater or just cold-er like you said? If you're just going to have it be a lower tropical tank - like borderline tropical - then there's 'tropical' fish that would work. A female paradisefish for example could be just what you are looking for. Take care to avoid males which are more likely to turn aggressive - particularly for the sake of the minnows - and you are best off sticking with just a single one. Keep in mind that it can't be a fully coldwater tank - mind you they can tolerate it - but it isn't fair on the fish and would be stressful so make sure it's relatively warm - the highest the hillstream loaches would be comfortable at will do.
The plan is to have it around 23C so it's coldER rather than cold, so I think a paradise fish might be a good bet!

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