Coldwater British Shrimp - Gammarus Pulex


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
I've just been thinking to myself about going to find some of these guys in the local rivers/streams, partly to look at and partly as free live food if/when they breed.

I'm finding it hard to find much info on them. But I know full well there are prawn shaped freshwater shrimp in the waters/rivers etc near my house. As Gammarus Pulex are meant to be the most commonly found I just presumed they were probably the same thing.
They definitely look like the ones i got from the stream near me. can be fast so it may take good eyes to catch them, they hide under rocks on the bottom.

Alessa x.
No :sad: I don't know what your going to feed them but they don't do good with algae tablets. They also need a sponge filter.... I found out
the hard way.

Alessa x.
No offence but it's pretty obvious they need a filter of some description. They are living creatures after all and do create ammonia... plus you've taken them from constantly refreshed water source and put them in a static body of water.

Also food wise they will pick at all sorts, most resources suggest you grab some mud from the place you've collected them and also any dead leaves and living weeds/plants that were growing in the water.
Apparently they will somehow feed themselves so long as you plant it out densley (with the natural plants). However I do plan to try them with various other foods if I do get some.

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