Cold Water...


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
At my LFS a few weeks the coldwater section....they had tanks labelled "cold water platies" and "cold water guppies"....and some special deal for people to buy them...I thought it was odd...but wasn't I did some research but didn't find anything....And yes, the water was cold, I diped the tip of my clean finger in....

So I went back to the same LFS a few weeks later (last week) and they still had the tanks with platies and guppies....there were a few very distinctive platies and guppies that I had seen the last time (hence the same ones....)....they looked healthy...happy and swimming/eating normally...IN A COLD WATER TANK?

Is this possible? I am just curious.....
Totally possibe. Depending on how cold the tank was they couldbe fine. I am not sure what long term effects will be, if any.

Some fish can quite happily live in both as long as it's not extremes.
Platies and guppies can handle a wide range of temperatures which is one of the reasons that they are such great community fish. That does not mean that they are really happy in cold water though. They do best in water that is in the mid 70s but can survive in water as low as the 50s and as high as the 80s and low 90s! Calling them "cold water" was probably just a ploy to get people to buy them and put them with goldfish.
guppymonkey said:
They do best in water that is in the mid 70s
My coldwater tank sits at 73F so it's pretty possible that others' do too and then the fis would be ok.

My only problems would be how messy goldfish can be and how small guppies can be (a big goldie could scoff one :().

It's good for people to know that there are possibilities with coldwater tanks and borderline fish. I kept peppered cories in with my goldies for a while.
It's good for people to know that there are possibilities with coldwater tanks and borderline fish. I kept peppered cories in with my goldies for a while.

It is possible but I wouldn't recommend it for a person that is relatively new to the hobby. Some new fishkeepers try to cut corners by getting goldfish and guppies and other tropicals and end up with a lot of dead fish when they don't take care of them.

I personally won't want to try it. Most goldfish are ugly looking to me with big bulging eyes and other strange body formations. Its just weird. But thats just a person preference, I will stick to my pretty guppies. :wub:

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