Cold Water Low Light Plants


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2008
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Broxburn,West Lothian Scotland
Looking for some info on behalf of a friend who keep's axolot's she's looking for some live plants that as above are suitable for cold water and also low lighting , lighting is on for average of 4 hours a day 2xt8 which we think are 36w . So if anyone can shed any light on plants she can keep it would be great

Elodea? That's what I have in coldwater and it grows like a weed... looks nice too and it is cheap :good:
java moss will probably do fine as well :good: i know hairgrass can survive in my pond over winter but it needs more light...
Anubias and Java Fern are pretty hardy, not sure how they do at cooler temps though :unsure:
I was thinking Anubias too. But in colder temperatures, and with that little light, it might be just as good to go with plastic. Anubias isn't a terribly fast growing plant under ideal conditions, I can't imagine it will do much at all here. Then again, I'm not a very smart person, sooooo, I could be way wrong here.
I've kept both anubias and Java fern in low light and cold water, and they've both done very well :good:
Thank for the suggestions i'll be sure to pass them on :) I also understand she doesn't want to do plastic just incase the axie's decide to nibble n end up swallowing a piece which it obviously can't digest

thanks again :)

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