Cold water algae eater


Feb 25, 2004
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London, UK
Hi All,

I'm getting a bit of an algae problem in my cold water tank :/ . I was wondering if there are any cold water algae eaters such as a cold waater pleco or something. I did have a hillstream loach which I thought would eat algae but he didnt.

Any Ideas ???

the hillstream loach won't clear your algea as they mainly eat the aufwuchs that grow on the algea as apposed to the algea itself :)
Hi.Ive got 2 Hillstream Loaches and they are doing a fantastic job of keeping the algae at bay.(I admit,the glass isnt always spotless,but as for the plants,ornaments etc... they do a good job)
Yes i certainly seem to have a pair of hardworking little devils.
See pics below........
This is the side glass with some algae still left
Thats a beautifull tank G & A, looks like a lot of hard work has gone into it. I love the aquascaping :clap:

I really like the plants you have (The ones with the big round leaves) I have one in my tropical tank & it's my fav! By any chance do you know what it's called?

Still does anyone know of any algae eating cw fish? :/
Sorry,dont know the name of the plant with big leaves.
Just seen it in the shop and bought three of them :rofl:
I have an air pipe going around the far walls of the tank.....Sort of a "bubble wall"
The fish seem to love playing in them....ha ha
a bristlenose plec can take the lower temperature. the hillstream is a good algae eater and gf need to graze on the algae as it is beneficial to them in the diet.
What is gf ?

I thought it's bad to have a BN in a cold water tank. I know it will probably survive, but it's not good for it right?
GF = goldfish lol :p :D

It's not the best environment for the BN but it can take it. I reccomend you try to reduce the amount of algae by treating the cause rather than getting rid of it after though. Fast-growing plants, understocking, good filtration and more frequent water changes combined with less feeding should help keep the nutrients the algae requires to grow to a minnimum. Reducing light or keeping the tank in the dark for a couple of days should begin to elliminate green algae, while not killing your plants. Plants like elodea/anacharis are great for using up nutrients and taking it away from the algae. Check your tap water for excessive phosphates if all else fails though plants should help with this too. Make sure your goldfish have at least 10 gallons each as they are very messy fish... If nothing works, snails can help, as can some kinds of shrimp (those that can take the cold and won't get eaten - only if your goldfish are still small) and I also reccomend an old, washed sock for scraping algae off the front glass ;) Leave the rest for the goldfish to graze on.
sylvia said:
GF = goldfish lol :p :D
:*) Hmm, must have been half asleep when I typed that! :p

I've never seen my gf graze on algae?!?

Anyway I think you are right I will need to get a few more plants, thanks for the reccomendations! :thumbs:

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