I tried using some for my blue rams but they never used it infact nothing in my tank did same happened when I introduced a terracotta pot for them didnt go in it once. Think it depends on the indvidual fish some may some may not. Id buy your own coconut and make it not too difficult and you get the insides thats if you like coconut tasteless to me.
They are great! You have to put a little bit of effort into making them, but it is well worth it once they are made! My Dad has made 3 for me so far, which makes 6 caves. (More, if you cut them into quarters instead of halves)Really, they are well worth it, my kribs go in them all the time, as well as some of my other fish. I have even had my kribs breed in them before.
Just make sure to boil it before placing it in your tank.
cool i made one ,or 2 i guess lol, about an hour ago. i boiled it like 3 or 4 times and scraped all the fur stuff off of it. on a side note my kribensis breeding pair is coming in tommorrow i cant wait.
I find they make great caves,my wild Pelvicachromis Subocellatus 'Matadi' are spawning in some right now I dont boil them either i just make sure all the guts have been cleared out quick scrub to make sure then straight in the tank i also leave the hair on the outside it makes it easier for Java Moss etc.. to attach itself.