Coconut Cave


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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Ive just purchased a coconut and am looking to cut it in half(ish) to make a wee hiding place. Just got a few questions!

Its all hairy on the outside, do i remove all that stuff?

I havnt seen the inside of a coconut before, but once i have the innards out, do i have to sand down the inside or anything?

Is there anything else i will have to do? other than make an entrance!? Any particular way to wash it?

Thank you! :good:
Buy a coconut, drill a good sized hole using a holesaw (drill attachment) cut coconut in half with a fine toothed saw, scoop out the innards, and boil both halves.
stick halves to a piece of slate/glass or perspex (will act as foot to bury in gravel) disguise cave.
Buy a ladys hairnet and cover the cave, (leave the opening free) now place Riccia/Java Moss under the hairnet. Yes it will look messy at first but once the Riccia takes hold the cave looks natural and not like a submerged coconut half



I just cracked mine in half with a knife ! The sanded off the hair bit with a flap wheel in my drill.... I then boiled it a couple of times, which did bring out a lot of tannin !!! So it was a good idea !
Buy a coconut, drill a good sized hole using a holesaw (drill attachment) cut coconut in half with a fine toothed saw, scoop out the innards, and boil both halves.
stick halves to a piece of slate/glass or perspex (will act as foot to bury in gravel) disguise cave.
Buy a ladys hairnet and cover the cave, (leave the opening free) now place Riccia/Java Moss under the hairnet. Yes it will look messy at first but once the Riccia takes hold the cave looks natural and not like a submerged coconut half




I love this place :hyper: The hair net thing is brilliant (beats trying to tie cotton around it :crazy: ) and the 'foot' too! My caves I have been scooping away the sand to form a dip then placing the cave over it only to find later that it has leveled off.
Mrs D. will be in hysterics when I ask her to get me a coconut and hairnet from Joe's tomorrow.....what??? Oh, Sainsburys (as in Joe Sainsbury :lol: )

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