Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Gravesend, England
Anyone on here have this species? I ve read alot of profiles for this fish but non say how big the tank should be and so can someone answer this and give their opinion on how good of a fish it is + Would it attack platy or zebra danios? Ta
I've done cichlids for a lotta years but am just on the brink of adventuring into dwarfs. I have a 55 gal cycled, decorated, planted and ready to go. The 9 Cockatoos (3M/6F) are due in middle of next week. :D

Everything I've learned of them in my recent research (much of which has been input from people here) says that they seem to do best when paired off with one male per 2-3 females.

Since they are bottom dwellers it seems the square footage of the bottom is more important than actual gallonage. From everything I've gathered you want about 2 square feet per of floor space per male. Also the line of sight should be well broken up between territories. These fish are also cave dwelling and at least one cave per fish should be provided. A 55 Gal only has 4 sqft of bottom. The only reason I am attempting the extra male is my aquarium was a terrarium therefore it has a 12" x 14" shelf on either end of the tank adding an additional 2 sqft of "floor space".

I have no idea about mixing them with live breeders. I've been told that dither fish are unnecessary with Cockatoos as they typically aren't very shy and are pretty active fish. If your fish enter into breeding then they will be more aggressive and tank mates (other cockatoos as well as other fish) will be less tolerated.

If you look through the New World Cichlid Forum of this site you will find several recent threads of people discussing their cockatoos or their plans for cockatoos. I'm sure many questions you have now have recently been addressed there. If we missed anything... be sure to ask :p
mine are kind of aggressive, but i think its all show as no damage is ever caused to the neons and swordtails with them. I have a trio in a 40 gallon and have a feeling i could have one or two more females.
My cockatoos are very peaceful...even tothe point that my male (which is one of the largest fish in the tank) doesn't bully for food. I have kept them with livebearers, clown loaches, tetras, and bala sharks. I had had no problems at all with aggression...unless I have a breeding female. Then the males chases off anything that comes near her cave, and she pecks any fish that gets too close. But I have seen no actual injuries caused by them.
Mine are quite peaceful as well. The male does harrass the corys occasionally but has never caused any injury. He will also take a run at the neons, rummy nose and pencilfish once in a while, but just to show who's boss. He does not pursue any fish very far, he seems to just be establishing that he is the king of the tank. The females will chase off anyone who comes too close to their caves but again, no injuries. At feeding time they pretty much ignore the other fish and have very good table manners. :D
I've had fry from my badis in the tank with my male since December .He could easily eat them or at the very least beat them up , also he's bigger than all of his other tank mates , but he doesn't hurt anyone . [ It is his tank though ]

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